Twelve Scions
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Twelve Scions

There were twelve scions that created the ability to dream.. one scion to make your dreams a living hell.
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 Forum Moderator Request Thread

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Posts : 4
Join date : 2008-09-11
Age : 31
Location : Canada

Forum Moderator Request Thread Empty
PostSubject: Forum Moderator Request Thread   Forum Moderator Request Thread Icon_minitimeFri Sep 12, 2008 5:50 pm

There are a few spots for moderators to fill in. Moderators will be able to organize large-scale tournaments, moderate forums, control noobs, and be high-ranked in clans in games without much effort.

In order to have a chance to become a moderator, answer the questions below. Fill out any additional info if you want.

Why do you want to become a moderator?
What are your goals if you become a moderator?
What would you do if you spotted a noob?
What would you do if you spotted a doubleposter?
What would you do if you spotted a spammer?
Amount of free time?
How long you plan to be apart of forum?
What games you play?
Any other forums you're apart of?
Any moderating experience?
Email address so I can contact you if you're accepted?

Currently Looking for 5 Moderators
There will be a max of 11 moderators.

Current Moderators:

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